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Very cool game, reminds me a lot of Brigador. Can't wait to buy the full thing!

Cool game. I must note good sound work, weapons have a lot of oomph. Will game have soundtrack playing during missions?

As for gameplay, will there be another grenades and rocket types? Perhaps other mechs to pilot?

Im in love with this game, i hope it gets more content :)

(1 edit)

Best stuff I've played for a long time.

(2 edits)

Needs more levels and weapons.

But my fren uses Linux, make a Linux compatible version PLEASE.

I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, someone made a guide for getting it running with Proton emulator here:

I'm glad you like it!


One of the best games I've played on this website. Keep making games like that.

That's very high praise, thank you.

dear mezz
is this game 2D or 3d please? 


It's fully 2D, no polygons or 3D models used.


This is a BEAUTIFUL game in terms of aesthetics, and just five missions were an excellent mix of adrenaline and some tactical thinking. SFX were great and obviously the pixel art+shaders were magnificent.

THANK YOU for making this, from one indie/retro game dev to another, and I hope to see the full version soon, and I'd be happy to pay the full price to enjoy it!!

Thank you for playing and your kind words! I appreciate it a lot.

I keep finding myself replaying the demo weekly (first played in August 2024), it's still fun and I can't find any flaws that you haven't already addressed. Maybe there's an opportunity for a mission helping friendlies assault a fortified position, defending a shuttle launch site, or a duel against an enemy landsword?

Thanks for playing it! I'm glad you've managed to have so much fun with it even in its early state. Hopefully the next public build will have double the amount of content.

a duel against an enemy landsword?

This will definitely be one of the bosses in the future, maybe even against multiple at once. A mission where you fight alongside allied forces is also planned.


This demo fills the tachikoma sized hole that Brigador left in my heart.

Only suggestion is maybe add some alternate HUD colors later on, white didn't feel super readable on most of the backgrounds for me.


Thanks for playing!

I've been reworking the HUD recently to be more readable at a glance and also use a different font with darker boxes. Certain missions with limited visibility will also have it change colors to be either yellow or light green.

How to reduce difficulty? It's fun, but I keep dying constantly.

Reduce? On the contrary, I want to increase the difficulty, I went through the whole game on 20mm rotary guns at S-rank. The only problem was with the larvae, but they stop being a problem when you start to just collect them in big piles, circling around them and blowing them up with rockets. On the other levels, just take the 30mm cannon or railgun and shoot through the houses.

I applaud your exemplary skill. I still want to make it easier, because I suck at these games, but still enjoy them.


The 30mm GAU-32C will grind your enemies into dust, just point the barrel towards the enemy and hold down the trigger.

Smoke grenades work like a wall and turn off the brains of enemies on any mission except the 2nd. On the 2nd mission, just take incendiary grenades and a scatter gun.

Go, do a crime.

the flame thrower is also effective of just about everything. It has perfect accuracy for as far as you can see and it melts small enemies, just don’t hold your mouse on yourself, it leaves trails of fire that damage everything


erry noice

Cheers mate!

Super awsome game my dude ! When will i have more ! i need more T_T ! 

Glad you like it! As soon as possible, but it may be some time.

reminds me of me of MGS4 a little.

What parts of it?

Me gustó mucho el juego es increíble, ¡es muy bueno! Espero que lo sigan actualizando :D


Gracias por jugar. Habrá una actualización en el futuro.


I posted earlier I do an Inspired By series. This is what I came up with, a bouncy bass-driven Techno-ish track with some Industrial elements.

Props again for a great demo, MezzSoft. I'm looking forward to seeing the full version!

P.S. I know the gameplay isn't great. :P

Very nice! I like it.Thanks for making this and the video.

Props again for a great demo, MezzSoft. I'm looking forward to seeing the full version!


I am so grateful if it can support MacOS in future, thanks

I'll see what I can do.

but how do stealth?????

For now there is admittedly little opportunity for stealth, but enemies do have cones of vision and last known position checks. You can outsmart them by maneuvering around the buildings. I'll be adding a lot more stealth emphasized gameplay and improved AI hopefully soon.

v gud



This is the best game I have played in a long time!

But there are some problems: the 30mm cannon and railgun are too powerful compared to the rest of the weapons. The railgun also has 60 rounds in its ammo, which is more than enough for ALL the enemies on the map.

The rockets explode too easily on trees, bushes and other small things that they should ignore.

Smoke grenades turn off the enemy's brain. They don't even try to break through the curtain to get a view of you, or move behind cover, they usually just stand there.

On the settlement mission there are practically no weapon options except the railgun and 30mm to kill the command post before calling for reinforcements. You need to either improve the other guns and missiles, or worsen the 30mm and railgun. (I'm more for the first option, and remove the railgun's ammunition to at least 20-30 rounds.)

Also from the suggestions: Add armor-piercing top attack missiles with 12 pieces of ammunition and the ability to kill tanks with one shot.

You can also add incendiary guided missiles, about the same as grenades.

Incendiary grenades are too strong compared to high-explosive ones, I suggest either reducing their quantity or increasing their fire damage, but removing the damage and effect of the explosion, making them just grenades with phosphorus or something similar.

Also helicopters are too durable (more durable than tanks (WHY?))

I suggest you reduce the amount of HP but add to all units the ability to shoot at the player in advance, in order to increase their accuracy and maintain the balance of difficulty.

I propose adding a lighter version with 6 HP to the armor, which would increase maneuverability and speed, and have an active defense system, shooting down incoming missiles.

Thanks for checking it out and the feedback!

the 30mm cannon and railgun are too powerful compared to the rest of the weapons. The railgun also has 60 rounds in its ammo, which is more than enough for ALL the enemies on the map.

These weapons are going to be available quite late game, the railgun perhaps post-game since being able to use it for every mission would no doubt make all the others obsolete.

The rockets explode too easily on trees, bushes and other small things that they should ignore.


Smoke grenades turn off the enemy's brain. They don't even try to break through the curtain to get a view of you, or move behind cover, they usually just stand there.

That's fair. The longer you stay in the smoke clouds the faster they'll actually dissipate, but it might be too slow at the moment. I'll see if I can have the enemies respond faster and move-in instead of pause all movement too.

On the settlement mission there are practically no weapon options except the railgun and 30mm to kill the command post before calling for reinforcements. You need to either improve the other guns and missiles, or worsen the 30mm and railgun. (I'm more for the first option, and remove the railgun's ammunition to at least 20-30 rounds.)

You should be able to do it with the smartgun and the flamethrower if you focus your fire directly on them at a close range. I've since lowered the health on them and lengthened the time it takes for them to send out a call though, so it'll be a bit easier in the next update.

Also from the suggestions: Add armor-piercing top attack missiles with 12 pieces of ammunition and the ability to kill tanks with one shot. You can also add incendiary guided missiles, about the same as grenades.

Both of these are on the to-do list.

Incendiary grenades are too strong compared to high-explosive ones, I suggest either reducing their quantity or increasing their fire damage, but removing the damage and effect of the explosion, making them just grenades with phosphorus or something similar.

That's a good idea. I'll maybe change the explosion for a small one like the rockets instead of a large/regular sized one.

Also helicopters are too durable (more durable than tanks (WHY?))

I figured they should be a lot more durable since the player can hit them from anywhere as long as their reticule is directly over them. When you're focusing your fire on one it only takes about a second or two to shoot down.

I propose adding a lighter version with 6 HP to the armor, which would increase maneuverability and speed, and have an active defense system, shooting down incoming missiles.

I'm working on some flying drone enemies at the moment which will be quite similar to that.

Thanks again for the feedback! I really appreciate it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Correction regarding the missiles: they explode on cars, fountains, etc., which in theory should be lower than our three-story "barn".

I also forgot to add that against the background of explosion craters and debris, small gray enemies are hard to see (it's hard to tell where they are on the minimap and there's no time to look at them in battle), so it would be nice to either change the color of their hull or give the detection system the ability to mark enemies not only in the sight.

Regarding the smoke screen, I usually don't even stand in it, I use it as a quick shelter that can be placed anywhere, and I mainly use it in the offensive (radars can see through the smoke anyway), but for example, the same hovercraft, whose main advantage is the speed with which they move and maneuver, simply stop when they can no longer see you because of the smoke.It shouldn't be like that, we're all like that, I didn't just run away from them and disappear from the line of sight, I released smoke and continue to fire. The opponents should be allowed to continue moving along the player's last known location, or even distribute search zones around the smoke among themselves (maybe that's too complicated?).

By the way, I would also like to see a direct connection between some enemy units, then it would be possible to implement drones or other vehicles, for example, connected to tanks, which would allow tanks to fire through a smoke screen, thanks to the fact that they have a view of the player.

Thanks for the game, I've already spent...many hours in it, definitely more than I should have and I noticed Morse code in the game's music. If I translated it correctly, it says "MARS" three times.

Correction regarding the missiles: they explode on cars, fountains, etc., which in theory should be lower than our three-story "barn".

It's intentional. They actually will fly over cars at a very close range to lessen the chances of the player damaging themselves, but I still think it would feel far stranger if the missiles ignored cars entirely. Perhaps I'll have a "precision" munition that flies over them and obstacles like trees though, it might work as a whole new weapon.

I also forgot to add that against the background of explosion craters and debris, small gray enemies are hard to see (it's hard to tell where they are on the minimap and there's no time to look at them in battle), so it would be nice to either change the color of their hull or give the detection system the ability to mark enemies not only in the sight.

I intend to solve this problem by varying the terrain a lot more and changing the setting of a lot of the levels. For now, the five missions are pretty much placeholder/test areas, and once I start work on finalizing assets and areas hopefully things will be a lot more readable. I think the level art in general could use a few improvements; I want things to feel more atmospheric generally.

Regarding the smoke screen, I usually don't even stand in it, I use it as a quick shelter that can be placed anywhere, and I mainly use it in the offensive (radars can see through the smoke anyway), but for example, the same hovercraft, whose main advantage is the speed with which they move and maneuver, simply stop when they can no longer see you because of the smoke.It shouldn't be like that, we're all like that, I didn't just run away from them and disappear from the line of sight, I released smoke and continue to fire. The opponents should be allowed to continue moving along the player's last known location, or even distribute search zones around the smoke among themselves (maybe that's too complicated?).

I agree, the hovercrafts should push through the smoke. Right now the way smoke works is the object is basically parented to the same one as the buildings which enemies treat as an obstacle. When they get stuck in them they basically have no visual and are supposed to choose to either reverse out if their rear is clear, or just wait until the smoke dissipates. It's pretty cheap honestly, and I'm going to see if I can improve it. Maybe I'll have them pause only for a second or two and always charge forward, or in the case of hovercraft ignore them entirely.

Thanks for the game, I've already spent...many hours in it, definitely more than I should have 

I'm glad to hear it's provided so much entertainment. I've spent countless hours playing it myself, though I'm forced to since I'm the developer haha.

I noticed Morse code in the game's music. If I translated it correctly, it says "MARS" three times.

Good ear! You're the first person to notice that actually. It indeed spells out Mars.

As for the missile, I don't know, if I understood the scale correctly, then our launch pads are much higher than the level where civilian transport is, so why do the missiles go down to their level? Isn't it logical to just aim directly at the target? Isn't it logical to just aim directly at the target? In that case, the possibility of hitting a random vehicle only has a chance when you intentionally shoot at such a vehicle or an enemy that is behind the vehicle and low enough to hide the hull (MRAP, APC, or something similar).

And in fact, this is a banal convenience for the player, I personally do not see any point in these missiles at all, it is easier to take unguided missiles and cover an area with an enemy than to shoot missiles one by one, which it is not yet clear whether they will hit or explode on a micro-car, which you do not have time to pay attention to in battle.


This game is literally what I've been looking for for a couple of years. Great job and I can't wait for the full version! In any case, the first mission is literally what happens outside my window every morning.


Thank you for playing!

In any case, the first mission is literally what happens outside my window every morning

I'm sorry to hear that...


Hey, looks amazing ! Any plans for a linux build ?

Eventually! Sorry there's nothing available right now. I heard it runs quite well under Proton emulation though.


Hey, thanks for answering ! I have a really old laptop, so usually proton eats up all the performance, but I’ll try. Keep up doing great games anyway !


Я не знаю как, но именно эта игра меня очень впечатлила.

Ты обязан зделать полную версию .

Спасибо, что сыграли в мою игру. Сейчас я работаю над ее завершением.


Hi there! I tried out the game a couple of days ago, and I really enjoyed what I played. I write music, and I do a series called 'Inspired By' where I take a piece of art/gameplay footage (with permission), and compose/produce something inspired by it.

Would it be alright if I used Project Landsword in this series? I can send you the piece that's written before I put it out there, if you prefer.

Hey, thanks for playing. Sure thing! I'm fine with that.

This game is gorgeous!!))))) really. 

Thank you!


I was not expecting much when I downloaded it... good shit

speaking of which "donations will go to paying for a proper soundtrack" I so happen to be a producer myself(ie. I smash notes together until I make something that sounds nice), and I would do it for the fair price of nothing... the pay would be practice...


Thanks for playing!

I appreciate the offer, but at the moment I'm looking around for a professional/paid soundtrack for it. Thanks anyway.


This was an absolute BLAST to play! Loved the artstyle, gameplay and just everything about it. No real complaints at all. This was done super well.  One of the best games on this website hands down. (And I been playing games on this site for years now.) You got some real talent sir, if a full game comes out I'm buying this DAY ONE, no joke! Keep it up and I can't wait to see what you do next.🫡

Thank you for your kind words and making a video!

hi, the game is just amazing, i played level 1, but i didn't find how to restore armor, i could just replenish ammo. if there is no health regeneration, please add it and the ability to choose the difficulty level, i have vision problems and i want to see accessibility settings in the game (big interface), and i would be happy to see russian language after release. p.s. i'm going to buy the game on steam when it goes on sale. sorry for bad english

Hello. Thank you for playing my game.

i played level 1, but i didn't find how to restore armor, i could just replenish ammo. if there is no health regeneration, please add it and the ability to choose the difficulty level,

Currently only the fifth mission has health packs. In the future I may have an upgrade that slowly regenerates some of your armor as you play.

i have vision problems and i want to see accessibility settings in the game (big interface)

I'm working on adding some accessibility options including high contrast aim reticules.

and i would be happy to see russian language after release.

Localization into Russian is also planned.

p.s. i'm going to buy the game on steam when it goes on sale. sorry for bad english


She Project on my Land 'til I Sword.

Thanks for playing and making a video!

My pleasure! It's a super cool game already, I can't wait to see where it goes. ;{D




Hi! Cool game! A blast to play! control are good and man the graphics are awesome!! My input are elevating terrain and more orderly town or village as now it seems that the enemy are having hard time to navigate while we, the player having no trouble at all. The sounds are great, just need more engine, skids, etc for the FX.

Thank You for creating this great fast action mech game. Keep it up!

Thank you for playing!

My input are elevating terrain and more orderly town or village as now it seems that the enemy are having hard time to navigate while we, the player having no trouble at all

I know the enemies can easily get stuck trying to navigate obstacles at the moment; I'm working on improving the enemy AI and future map designs will probably be a bit more open.

Thank You for creating this great fast action mech game. Keep it up!


Hi! The game looks amazing. I'd love to talk with you privately, I’ve sent you a DM on Twitter!

Hey,I'm interested in translating this game to Brazilian Portuguese. Contact me please


Hello. Thank you for the offer. Localization will be done when the game is finished so the full script can be translated.


Super sick game!! Very excited to see a full version, the style is really cool and gameplay is pretty much what you'd hope for. Kinda wish there was some music, or just more going on audio-wise, but beyond that nitpick this is excellent

Thank you for playing it! I'm working on getting some music done for the levels, I know things can get a bit quiet right now.

Gave it a try! The controls are very tight. Reminds me of Ghost in the Shell.

Thanks for playing it! GITS is a light inspiration as well.

any discord to join? would love to follow progress, etc.:)

No Discord for now, but I'll be putting up a devlog showing some of the progress hopefully in the near future.


any way to play this on Steamdeck?  Is there a Linux compatible version coming out?

A few people wrote that they managed to get it running on the Steam deck via Proton emulator, but I don't own a deck myself so I'm not sure about the steps required to get it running.

(1 edit) (+1)

Don't have any experiences with Steamdeck, but on GNU/Linux (Fedora) I was able to make the .exe run with Lutris and Wine (using latest GE-Proton as setting).

Wow!  Nice! I’m not the best with this stuff and I’m asking a lot but any way you could give a super quick walkthrough?  If not totally cool but thx anyways


Very quick:

- Install latest Wine-Version

- Install Lutris

- Download Project Landsword

- Extract the ZIP-File

- In Lutris add a new game from local files

- Choose Wine as starter (Info-Tab)

- Choose the extracted .exe as executable (Settings-Tab)

- Choose your extracted folder as Working Directory (Settings-Tab)

- Choose "GE-Proton (latest)" as Wine-Version (Options-Tab)

- Save and Have Fun! 

It's possible that you have to start and cancel it twice or more. But after that it should run with one try.

When I installed the game and tried to play it, I got an error, what is it? or what is it due to?

Does it occur when you try to start a mission? If so, download and install the DirectX patch in the description above. That'll fix it.

Thanks for the explanation. At this point, I would say something else to express my gratitude, but I don't know what to say. So, I'll just say thank you and wish you much success in your future projects.

I haven't found the DirectX patch, could you give me more details?

Download this, run it and install it. See if the game works after you do that.

looking forward to buy the game at full release. awesome work so far! (ingame ambient soundtrack would be nice) :) <3

Thanks for playing! An in-game soundtrack is coming, I know things can get kind of quiet right now.


Conceptually this feels like a better focused Brigaddor, in poroduction value, given enough time you could get better than them (but they're pretty good!)

Anyways, take my MCDonald Meal, I really hope you get this game as feature complete as you wish it to be.

Yes also customary brrrrrrt.

Thanks for playing and the kind words! I doubt I'll be able to match the quality of them, but it's very kind of you to say.

Cheers for the support as well! It's much appreciated.

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