Project Landsword - A Fast-Paced Mech Shooter You NEED to Try! |
This was definitely a fun game to play. Haven’t played a Mech game ina while and this definitely satisfied that urge to play a Mech game again. Thanks for making this and I hope you keep on making more missions!!
Pretty amazing demo. Visually stunning and a unique game. I have some thoughts that are really just Quality of Life comments to make but the game itself is something im excited for.
I love the 3D pixel art, seeing the buildings change perspective as i was moving actually prompted me to spend about 5 minutes just appreciating the visual style.
QOL comments however, I feel like the background (dirt and roads and the world itself) Is so over saturated and rich in color I literally cannot see the enemies or bullets or my targeting reticle at a glance. Most encounters with enemies i had were surprised when something suddenly connected.
There's a real lack of contrast between the environment and the game play elements.I'd be a rookie compared to the level of development you're at but I've been an artist for a long time and I'm struggling with visual clarity. Especially on a desert level (yellow) with my bullets (also yellow) with no way to do anything about it. If i was color blind or had issues with yellow/red, this game would be visually impossible to follow. I say all this cause the visual style is absolutely gorgeous and the gameplay is great and those two aspects are in a bit of a conflict, bringing down overall experience a bit.
Even if there was an accessibility option to increase the size of the reticle and targeting graphics around the enemies it would be a step to help this particular point out without even touching the saturation and contrast of the world
but I feel like the contrast and saturation of the levels should be adjusted for your beta/prerelease versions.
I'll see if I can tweak the colors in some of the levels, I see how it's easy to lose track of things due to the lack of contrast sometimes.
I plan on having also an option to change the reticule to be white with outlines for better visibility. I had a partially colorblind player request that previously.
Extremely satisfying so far, everything feels great to interact and play with. I'm looking forward to when this title is finally flushed out and released, would buy if there is any kind of early access in the works.
Although I must add, currently, the AI seems a bit lacking. It would be awesome if we could combat life-like enemy mechs that take cover, flank and et cetera. Best of luck!
I agree that the AI right now is a bit lacking. I've been working to update their pathfinding and behave a bit smart when pursuing the player. Having them take cover would also be really cool, but a pretty tricky thing to pull off. It would be pretty neat though.
Destoying warships at a dockyard would be dope.Oh and a boss mission against a heavy attack helicopter. Like from Armored Core 6. Additionally, would you ever give Xbox style controller use for PC? My hands hate WASD.
An old dude here, your game reminded me of many cool games from when I was young, but better. Nice visual, animations and sounds.I hope you'll be able to complete the game.
Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it. Also appreciate the offer for help with the French translation, I'll remember that when I get around to localization.
Thanks! It might be a while before the next update, but I will put up a progress report at some point showing some of the content I've been working on.
-Whether you have the idea to post this game to other platforms like steam?
-Do you want to translate your game into other languages?
Hopefully. There's a lot of non English speaking players. It will require a lot of effort to modify things like the HUD and text drawing in order to switch languages, but I do plan on having it.
-Will this game have a clear storyline, or the mission briefings are just background settings?
The firerate and bullet report of the rotorary cannons are so realistic! I'd pay $100 for a finished game. If it could release on android and be playable on a phone i would pay double.
Does anyone know why the cursor does not work at all when i boot the game? can't move the in game cursor or click on anything. my mouse still works fine it just doesn't seem to do anything in game
Sorry. I looked around but couldn't find anything on that problem. Could you try maybe downloading the game again? Perhaps something went wrong with the unzipping.
Also, see if you have DirectPlay installed. It probably isn't that, but it's worth a shot.
just downloaded and contributed , this is a great game , one thing I would request is health packs , just some way to repair the mech. also a way to bind the grenade launch to an extra mouse button . that's all , otherwise great game, I know it takes a lot of work to make these
I just got through the final mission and ya i just noticed them, I'm not particularly good at video games so I haven't yet conquered the first more health packs please lol . perhaps something you could do : in mech warrior 4 from the good ol days there where these mech repair bays you could find on long missions , maybe something like that too where you could swap out your load out mid mission ? I get it that you are being bombarded with suggestions so I humbly submit these .
final note I'm a syfy model scratch builder. do you have an Insta or deviant art or something where you've posted some art work of the mech , I'd like to build one in 1/35 scale ( a common model tank scale ) .
That'd be cool! Maybe it could be like a little convenient store or mechanic shop that you drive into and buy parts for repair. I'm not sure about swapping weapons, but maybe you could buy ammo.
I get it that you are being bombarded with suggestions so I humbly submit these.
No worries, I always appreciate more ideas!
final note I'm a syfy model scratch builder. do you have an Insta or deviant art or something where you've posted some art work of the mech , I'd like to build one in 1/35 scale ( a common model tank scale ) .
Sorry, I don't an Instagram or DA page, but I do have a Twitter which you could message me at (@sysmainframe). I'll definitely have more views and ways to see the mech in the game, I plan on showing off the design a lot more.
Sorry about that. Can you check if you have DirectPlay and the DirectX9 patch installed? Could you also try running it in compatibility mode for Windows 10 or 8?
- Pulse/Burst/Discharge(s)/Beam Thermal Lasers that take power from the engine overdrive and some variant with little IEM capabilities and anti-hightech shield. Adding some with limited ammo if powerplant can't support long assault
- Power based only Arc Shotgun and Arc Thrower with IEM capabilities
- Vanilla Railgun is around 90mm, maybe adding an experimental 25mm variant
- Plasmathrower (Flamethrower with some pen.)
- Some Smart Cannons 75mm, 100mm and 125mm (lower damage than it counterparts)- 90mm, 105mm, 120mm and 130mm with HEAT/APFSDS, Airburst (cone and round), HE-I
- 60mm Chain Gun with HE-I, HE-AP, APFSDS, Airbust (cone)
- 35mm Autocannon with HE-I, HE-AP, AP, Airbust (cone)
- KS-2 Scattergun 20mm to -> 40mm (cosmetic) and a 68mm variant
- 40mm HE-I Grenade Machine Gun
- 152/155mm Artillery with HE-I, APHEBC (knockback) or HEAT (pen), Cluster, Proximity
- Plasma Cutter/Lance* Secondaries :
- 160mm, 210mm, 300mm Mortars with Thermobaric Cluster (300mm), HE-I, Incendiary, Airburst (round), Cluster, IEM and Chimic (long travel time and reload)
- 60mm (6 or 8 shots) and 100mm (3 shots) Gatling Mortars with HE-I, Incendiary and Chimic
- Plasma Accelerators with low velocity but wide heated balls
- Electromagnetic Pulse Cone Wave doing IEM and Fatal Disfonctons for Unshield Electronics with a Microwave and an Audio-Cinetic Cone/Beam variant
- Chemical/Toxin Sprayer that behave like a Flamethrower with less range but more cone and can disseminate trouth alleys (maybe need a wind mechanic for this)
- Plasma/Flame and Smoke/CME Projectors(lol) that behave like Chemical Sprayer
- Experimental Weapons develop from organics insects/mutants like Psychic Wave/Beam that make an ennemy temporaly friendly or Acid Bullets
- Guided Swarm Rockets Pod
- Unguided Airburst and Proximity Rockets Pods
- Unguided AP/IEM/Chemical/Toxin/Smoke Rocket Barrage Pod and a heavy 4 HE-I/Chemical/Toxin/Smoke Pylons variant
- Plasma Cuter/Lance and a Lowtech Shield that brake
- Tesla Tower that act somewhat as shield spike, adding to the mech a possibility to stun when close and absorb electrical damage in front
- IA operated Landmates or Drones Bay* Grenades Type :
- Tiny 12,7mm, 14,5mm and Laser Auto Turret or Drone
- IEM grenade to desactivate something for 4s
- Arc Spikes, launching like vanilla smoke but if nothing is between spikes vivible electricity is created, doing disfonctions to the one getting close
- Autoactive Tesla Tower, like spike but a big one
- Stick grenade
- 75mm Braided Alloy 254 Cable has a Lasso with a mechanics that add the possibility to attach it between 2 or 3 spikes or buildings, trapping mech foots, making them fall or stop when you are somewhere else
- Active Camo, becoming opticaly invisible but take a lot of energy- Audio-Cinetic Impulsion to knockback and simulate the damage of a HE grenade around you but it take all your coolant and you can't use your systems until it become white
- IEM impulsion to desactivate everyone at 50m and use the same mechanic as ACI Impulsion
- Chemical/Toxin Dispersant doing damage behind you with a Smoke viariant
- Passive Defence System like hightech energy shield or Cage with 2/3 explosive hits health
- Barricade behaving as a rear shield. Same when deployed with an ammo storage taking 2/3 of your ammo that can be redistribute. Can block alley but can be destroy, maybe removable
- Jetpack, ECM launcher or 1/2 packs of what you want (ammo, armor layer)* Others :
- Adding a heat generation to Miniguns, Arc guns, Plasmathrower and Lasers
- 2 new types of Powerplant, one with limited operation time like 3:25s but adds buff(s) or has a special attack or defence system, and one with limited actions
- Ennemies can destroy your powerplant, it activate your emergency batterie with very limited operation time and/or actions
- Adding Satellites doing Helldiver thing (Orbital Attacks or sending Turrets/Energy Shield/Heal/Ammo) and Air Support
Call Alduin and Cthulhu
- IA or Human operated Landmates/Exo-armor Friendlies or Drones Station
- Grouped exo-armor ennemies, holograms, mirages in desert, Experimental Anti-Grav (like hovercraft but can go on the top of building)
- Area Objectives to destroy like Depot with some Turrets guarding
- Boss, Mini Boss, Invincible Boss mission to avoid
- Missions like Defend Bases/Beach/Underground/Mountain/Space Station, Landing Beach, Climb to the top, Defend VIP, Save Population, Gather Troops and Objects, go A to B, Capture A/B/C/D points, Rearm somethings, Find a place to sneak, Avoid Bombardement, Invade with teams, rescue/connect to an experimental weapon or mech, rerieve informations, rescue your mech that has depleted energy from your failed previous mission
- Campagne with limited number of mech but some can be rescue with a post mission of a failed mission. Maybe after some times
- A Big Ballistic Nuke Missile Launch Defend Mission like in this video
- More monsters like in Mech Engineer, insectoïds, worms, mutants...
- Purchasable visual systems with Tiers like lvl 1,2 Zoom, next is Lvl 1,2 Sonar, then is Lvl 1,2 Radar, finaly Lvl 1,2 Thermal. Maybe an Experimental Anti-Grav Dorsal Wing for your Mech
- Landing from Space as a minigame with enemies AA shooting, launching from a submarine at sea level or underwater, protecting boat landing you from other boats, helicopter torpidoes and missiles
- Multiple IA Mech invading
- New Mechs with or without wheels (Bipeds, Tripeds, Quadripeds, Hexapods, Octopods) ?
- New Tanks for Enemies and Friendlies ?
- Play as Tank/VBCI/AAA?
- New Class System with just a weight mechanic for weapons ? Like, beginning the story with a landmate with max weight can autorised a Light 90mm anti-material cannon but not a 30mm Minigun, finally ending with a Secret Class Octopod autorising heavy Primary and Secondary Weapons at the same time ?
- Campaign and Arcade Mode with a option to be a Freelancer and buy things
- PVE Coop and PVP Multiplayer ?
- B-Spec Mode (lol), be an Operator like in Battlefield 4 and command IA or help an other gamer pilot. Maybe taking temporarily command of one system or weapon
- Charismatic IA operator partner(s)
- Unlockable Characters or Cosmetics
- Some Easter Eggs from like Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed, Black Magic, Akira, Gunnm, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Gundam, Macross, Metal Skin Panic, Blue Gender, Garaki, Genocyber, Megazone 23, Metal Gear Solid, Brigador, Patlabor, Eighty 86, Metal Slug, Helldiver, Into the Breach, etc.
- AZERTY compatibility and controller Support
- Steam Workshop
Good luck implementing some of this ideas but i think going to steam is a must to obtain far more credits to developping this future hell of a game.
Thank you for all of these ideas! Some of them are quite interesting, I can't give my thoughts for every one of them, but here's a select few:
- Pulse/Discharge(s)/Beam Thermal Lasers that take power from the engine overdrive and some variant with little IEM capabilities. Adding some with limited ammo if powerplant can't support long assault
This would be cool and incentivize having a better powerplant, I'll experiment with this idea.
- Plasmathrower (Flamethrower with some pen.)
- Plasma Cutter/Lance
This I have actually almost implemented. I have a plasma slash that acts as a close range melee which cuts up enemies, but a "lance" which you could charge with would be a cool upgrade/alternative to it.
IA operated Landmates or Drones Bay
I'm thinking maybe AI controlled crab-bombs that find their way towards enemies might be fun. Perhaps they could be tossed like grenades.
- ECM to counter clocking
ECM / APS systems are planned for acting as a shield, they'll intercept or redirect missiles away when they get close to the player. Tougher enemies will also have that capability.
- Adding Satellites doing Helldiver thing (Orbital Attacks or sending Turrets/Energy Shield/Heal/Ammo) and Air Support
There will be cruise missiles and artillery strikes by using grenades as the target designators.
- Grouped exo-armor ennemies
This would be difficult to do at the small scale of the game, but maybe you'll see a few hardsuits show up in cutscenes. A subtle tribute to Masamune Shirow's Landmates would be nice.
- New Tanks ? - Area Objectives to destroy like Depot with some Turrets guarding - More monsters like in Mech Engineer, insectoïdes, worms, mutans... - AZERTY compatibility and controller Support
- Boss, Mini Boss, Invincible Boss mission to avoid
Cool idea, I could see a big organic enemy being one to avoid.
- New Mechs with or without wheels (Bipeds, Tripeds, Quadripeds, Hexapods, Octopods)
Also planned for a long time. Definitely want big walker tanks.
- PVE Coop and PVP Multiplayer ?
I'll need help for this, but maybe. It would be tons of fun.
Thank you again for this big list! There's some cool things I hadn't thought of in there. I'll definitely save this and consider adding some of them.
Absolutely beautiful destruction! It's definitely the best game I came across on this site and I wish you luck in developing it further. I will definitely follow the project and can't wait to see how it turns out. It has a few areas worth improving in my opinion, but the foundation is extremely solid both in game juice and design.
The only suggestion I have right now is to consider adding a wave system to introduce brief pauses between shootouts, allowing for experimentation with game pacing. I understand if you want to keep the action nonstop, but I think it’s an idea worth exploring in the bugs level.
Thank you so much for playing and your kind words!
The only suggestion I have right now is to consider adding a wave system to introduce brief pauses between shootouts, allowing for experimentation with game pacing. I understand if you want to keep the action nonstop, but I think it’s an idea worth exploring in the bugs level.
Noted, I'll see about adding a pause to waves. I modified their behavior recently so a break might be nice. Cheers!
I love this game a lot. A few things to think about though.
- the current AP specialty weapons are the Vulcan and the railgun (not considering the autocannon, minigun, or smartgun. I consider those more balanced for general purpose and not made to deal with heavy armor). Both are are not great at immediate reaction and damage control. Maybe add something like a tank cannon that uses HEAT shells. Fires immediately, Slightly faster fire rate than the railgun, lower damage, no target penetration, but can still travel really far and obliterate whatever it hits making it very punishing if you miss.
- So far it's smoke for everything but worms. Maybe separate the smoke into two options. Visual smoke to block sight of ground units, and deployable trophy systems to stop something like 5 rockets each. That way smoke isn't the 'go to' for anything smart enough to use mechs and rockets.
- Finally, as cool as the lock on rockets are, they are very destructive, struggle with armor, and still require you to aim at every target yourself anyways. Maybe having them launch over things to reduce destruction and/or lock on through obstructions for a more ambush style play would make them more forgiving and enticing to use. Currently, you still have to aim at each target within line of sight to lock. They feel less reliable, less powerful, and more time consuming. I used them a few times and just thought "If you have to aim the cursor on them in unobstructed line of sight anyways, why not just use unguided rockets."
-- extra lil "that be so cool" idea. That one iron man weapon where it's the lock on mini non-explosive rockets. The ones you see in the first movie during the first fight in the new armor where he saves the civilians. That as a rocket version of the smartgun would be cool.
Fire grenade (incendiary) is awesome for big slow-moving enemies (it tears those heavily armored tanks) or those who decided to hide and stationary behind covers.
Maybe add something like a tank cannon that uses HEAT shells. Fires immediately, Slightly faster fire rate than the railgun, lower damage, no target penetration, but can still travel really far and obliterate whatever it hits making it very punishing if you miss.
A basic cannon/tank gun has been highly requested for awhile now, I agree it'd be a good weapon to have. I'll see if I can make it at least half as satisfying to use as the railgun.
- So far it's smoke for everything but worms. Maybe separate the smoke into two options. Visual smoke to block sight of ground units, and deployable trophy systems to stop something like 5 rockets each. That way smoke isn't the 'go to' for anything smart enough to use mechs and rockets.
I presume you're talking about the smoke grenades(?). I agree they can be a little bit overpowered with how they stop enemies right now. I might just cut down the amount the player can carry so they'll be a bit more careful with how they use them.
Finally, as cool as the lock on rockets are, they are very destructive, struggle with armor, and still require you to aim at every target yourself anyways. Maybe having them launch over things to reduce destruction and/or lock on through obstructions for a more ambush style play would make them more forgiving and enticing to use.
I agree these could really use a punch-up. Unless you're targeting lots of enemies like the second mission they're really not as fun or useful to use as the basic unguided rockets. Maybe I'll have them go through buildings unlike the unguided rockets, so if you blind-fire them without locking you still can hit an enemy on the other side of a house.
-- extra lil "that be so cool" idea. That one iron man weapon where it's the lock on mini non-explosive rockets. The ones you see in the first movie during the first fight in the new armor where he saves the civilians. That as a rocket version of the smartgun would be cool.
Noted! Would be useful for missions where you need to keep collateral damage down.
love this game soooooooo much!!Also,can you consider make more weapon like plasma gun ?I'm exciting to see any new contant that be add into this lovely game.
Please consider increasing the amount of ammo you have on weapons and the amount of ammo you get to refill your ammo boxes. If there are more enemies, and players can keep firing for longer, it will greatly increase the gaming experience.
loved it sooooo much!! reminded me of mechwarrior. commander and the control, aesthetics and direction where its heading is so awesome. a story is needed!!!
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How do I fix the D3DX file problem? I checked my computer and it says I have DirectX 12, so I am a bit confused.
Try downloading and running the patch nonetheless, it should tell you if it's up to date or not.
This game is awesome! Please finish development!
Thank you!
so how do I fix this?
FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: shd_outline_old
D3DXCompile failed - result
at gml_Object_o_player_Draw_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_o_player_Draw_0 (line -1)
Just read the wall of text above.
oh am dumb lol
Project Landsword - A Fast-Paced Mech Shooter You NEED to Try! |
Thank you for playing and making a video!
Pretty amazing demo. Visually stunning and a unique game. I have some thoughts that are really just Quality of Life comments to make but the game itself is something im excited for.
I love the 3D pixel art, seeing the buildings change perspective as i was moving actually prompted me to spend about 5 minutes just appreciating the visual style.
QOL comments however, I feel like the background (dirt and roads and the world itself) Is so over saturated and rich in color I literally cannot see the enemies or bullets or my targeting reticle at a glance. Most encounters with enemies i had were surprised when something suddenly connected.
There's a real lack of contrast between the environment and the game play elements.I'd be a rookie compared to the level of development you're at but I've been an artist for a long time and I'm struggling with visual clarity. Especially on a desert level (yellow) with my bullets (also yellow) with no way to do anything about it. If i was color blind or had issues with yellow/red, this game would be visually impossible to follow. I say all this cause the visual style is absolutely gorgeous and the gameplay is great and those two aspects are in a bit of a conflict, bringing down overall experience a bit.
Even if there was an accessibility option to increase the size of the reticle and targeting graphics around the enemies it would be a step to help this particular point out without even touching the saturation and contrast of the world
but I feel like the contrast and saturation of the levels should be adjusted for your beta/prerelease versions.
(it would also make the awesome explosions visually pop more)
Thanks for playing and the feedback!
I'll see if I can tweak the colors in some of the levels, I see how it's easy to lose track of things due to the lack of contrast sometimes.
I plan on having also an option to change the reticule to be white with outlines for better visibility. I had a partially colorblind player request that previously.
Extremely satisfying so far, everything feels great to interact and play with. I'm looking forward to when this title is finally flushed out and released, would buy if there is any kind of early access in the works.
Although I must add, currently, the AI seems a bit lacking. It would be awesome if we could combat life-like enemy mechs that take cover, flank and et cetera. Best of luck!
Thank you for playing and your interest!
I agree that the AI right now is a bit lacking. I've been working to update their pathfinding and behave a bit smart when pursuing the player. Having them take cover would also be really cool, but a pretty tricky thing to pull off. It would be pretty neat though.
10/10 Would recommend to all armored core fans
I will definitely buy if there is a early access on steam!
Cheers! Hopefully sometime soon.
Destoying warships at a dockyard would be dope.Oh and a boss mission against a heavy attack helicopter. Like from Armored Core 6. Additionally, would you ever give Xbox style controller use for PC? My hands hate WASD.
Agreed. A mission at a naval base in general might be fun.
I believe people affectionately refer to it as the Filter Chopper. It would definitely be pretty fun in a city mission.
Gamepad support is planned. I'm still working out some issues with the settings, but it will be implemented.
Controls are smooth, juice is amazing, gameplay is fluid. Feels like I am playing a buttery Armored Core that is 2D. Absolutely love it. <3
Thank you! I'm glad you had fun.
Really great work! The railgun is immensely satisfying to fire. I think I've used it in almost every mission.
It really seems to be everyone's favorite weapon, haha. I hope I can make the others as satisfying to use.
An old dude here, your game reminded me of many cool games from when I was young, but better. Nice visual, animations and sounds.I hope you'll be able to complete the game.
Also, if you plan a French translation, I would be happy to help.
Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it. Also appreciate the offer for help with the French translation, I'll remember that when I get around to localization.
i was looking for this game on steam. such a cool game, hope you can fully complete it and i will buy it
Thank you! A Steam release is planned.
It's an amazing game and I'm looking forward to the next update:)
Thanks! It might be a while before the next update, but I will put up a progress report at some point showing some of the content I've been working on.
Cool game!
And I have some questions:
-Whether you have the idea to post this game to other platforms like steam?
-Do you want to translate your game into other languages?
-Will this game have a clear storyline, or the mission briefings are just background settings?
Thanks for playing!
Hopefully. There's a lot of non English speaking players. It will require a lot of effort to modify things like the HUD and text drawing in order to switch languages, but I do plan on having it.
Thanks for letting me know the information!
I will immediately buy it when it goes on steam:)
And my friends also approved of its gameplay. We have decided to offer help if you're going to make a Chinese localization.
The firerate and bullet report of the rotorary cannons are so realistic! I'd pay $100 for a finished game. If it could release on android and be playable on a phone i would pay double.
Thank you!
very cool game
whens the next update :D
I’d buy this in an instant if I was on Steam :)
Thanks! It will, eventually.
Does anyone know why the cursor does not work at all when i boot the game? can't move the in game cursor or click on anything. my mouse still works fine it just doesn't seem to do anything in game
Not sure what OS you're using, but try running the game in compatibility mode perhaps?
Sorry yeah I am using Windows 10. No luck with compatibility mode.idk if there is anything else you can think of that could affect it
Sorry. I looked around but couldn't find anything on that problem. Could you try maybe downloading the game again? Perhaps something went wrong with the unzipping.
Also, see if you have DirectPlay installed. It probably isn't that, but it's worth a shot.
I'm delighted, this is the best thing I've seen in a long time!
I love this game, and I will eagerly await a full release. For now, is there any social media where we can stay up to date with you as the developer?
Me as well. I want to follow the updates on Twitter.
Thank you! At the moment this is probably the best place to watch for updates. I do have a Twitter but I don't use it very often.
I unleash hell on the last target of a map.
This game is fantastic and I wonder if there will be an EA version on Steam to purchase?
I'm not sure yet. I'd prefer to have it finished before a Steam release, but I might end up going with Early Access. We'll see.
Amazing game, i love this unique style
Thank you!
I have a lot of fun playing this game, its simple and straight forward, just like the laser cannon
Thanks for playing!
Really cool!!! Wishing the best for development!
just downloaded and contributed , this is a great game , one thing I would request is health packs , just some way to repair the mech. also a way to bind the grenade launch to an extra mouse button . that's all , otherwise great game, I know it takes a lot of work to make these
Thank you so much for contributing! I appreciate it.
There are health packs you can find on the final mission, but for now they're a bit scarce.
Will do. The options menu is getting a complete overhaul.
I just got through the final mission and ya i just noticed them, I'm not particularly good at video games so I haven't yet conquered the first more health packs please lol . perhaps something you could do : in mech warrior 4 from the good ol days there where these mech repair bays you could find on long missions , maybe something like that too where you could swap out your load out mid mission ? I get it that you are being bombarded with suggestions so I humbly submit these .
final note I'm a syfy model scratch builder. do you have an Insta or deviant art or something where you've posted some art work of the mech , I'd like to build one in 1/35 scale ( a common model tank scale ) .
That'd be cool! Maybe it could be like a little convenient store or mechanic shop that you drive into and buy parts for repair. I'm not sure about swapping weapons, but maybe you could buy ammo.
No worries, I always appreciate more ideas!
Sorry, I don't an Instagram or DA page, but I do have a Twitter which you could message me at (@sysmainframe). I'll definitely have more views and ways to see the mech in the game, I plan on showing off the design a lot more.
Looks great, but did not load for me, windows 11. Just does not load at all no errors. Clearly does work for other, so might be me.
Sorry about that. Can you check if you have DirectPlay and the DirectX9 patch installed? Could you also try running it in compatibility mode for Windows 10 or 8?
Thanks for responding, that seemed to fix it.
Very cool game. You can see the first look in the video.
Thank you for playing and making a video!
Hello, here's some Ideas :
* Primaries :
- Pulse/Burst/Discharge(s)/Beam Thermal Lasers that take power from the engine overdrive and some variant with little IEM capabilities and anti-hightech shield. Adding some with limited ammo if powerplant can't support long assault
- Power based only Arc Shotgun and Arc Thrower with IEM capabilities
- Vanilla Railgun is around 90mm, maybe adding an experimental 25mm variant
- Plasmathrower (Flamethrower with some pen.)
- Some Smart Cannons 75mm, 100mm and 125mm (lower damage than it counterparts)
- 90mm, 105mm, 120mm and 130mm with HEAT/APFSDS, Airburst (cone and round), HE-I
- 60mm Chain Gun with HE-I, HE-AP, APFSDS, Airbust (cone)
- 35mm Autocannon with HE-I, HE-AP, AP, Airbust (cone)
- KS-2 Scattergun 20mm to -> 40mm (cosmetic) and a 68mm variant
- 40mm HE-I Grenade Machine Gun
- 152/155mm Artillery with HE-I, APHEBC (knockback) or HEAT (pen), Cluster, Proximity
- Plasma Cutter/Lance
* Secondaries :
- 160mm, 210mm, 300mm Mortars with Thermobaric Cluster (300mm), HE-I, Incendiary, Airburst (round), Cluster, IEM and Chimic (long travel time and reload)
- 60mm (6 or 8 shots) and 100mm (3 shots) Gatling Mortars with HE-I, Incendiary and Chimic
- Plasma Accelerators with low velocity but wide heated balls
- Electromagnetic Pulse Cone Wave doing IEM and Fatal Disfonctons for Unshield Electronics with a Microwave and an Audio-Cinetic Cone/Beam variant
- Chemical/Toxin Sprayer that behave like a Flamethrower with less range but more cone and can disseminate trouth alleys (maybe need a wind mechanic for this)
- Plasma/Flame and Smoke/CME Projectors(lol) that behave like Chemical Sprayer
- Experimental Weapons develop from organics insects/mutants like Psychic Wave/Beam that make an ennemy temporaly friendly or Acid Bullets
- Guided Swarm Rockets Pod
- Unguided Airburst and Proximity Rockets Pods
- Unguided AP/IEM/Chemical/Toxin/Smoke Rocket Barrage Pod and a heavy 4 HE-I/Chemical/Toxin/Smoke Pylons variant
- HE, Incendiary, IEM, Chemical/Toxin, Smoke Mines
- Plasma Cuter/Lance and a Lowtech Shield that brake
- Tesla Tower that act somewhat as shield spike, adding to the mech a possibility to stun when close and absorb electrical damage in front
- IA operated Landmates or Drones Bay
* Grenades Type :
- Tiny 12,7mm, 14,5mm and Laser Auto Turret or Drone
- IEM grenade to desactivate something for 4s
- Arc Spikes, launching like vanilla smoke but if nothing is between spikes vivible electricity is created, doing disfonctions to the one getting close
- Autoactive Tesla Tower, like spike but a big one
- Stick grenade
- 75mm Braided Alloy 254 Cable has a Lasso with a mechanics that add the possibility to attach it between 2 or 3 spikes or buildings, trapping mech foots, making them fall or stop when you are somewhere else
- Active Camo, becoming opticaly invisible but take a lot of energy
- Audio-Cinetic Impulsion to knockback and simulate the damage of a HE grenade around you but it take all your coolant and you can't use your systems until it become white
- IEM impulsion to desactivate everyone at 50m and use the same mechanic as ACI Impulsion
- Chemical/Toxin Dispersant doing damage behind you with a Smoke viariant
- Passive Defence System like hightech energy shield or Cage with 2/3 explosive hits health
- Barricade behaving as a rear shield. Same when deployed with an ammo storage taking 2/3 of your ammo that can be redistribute. Can block alley but can be destroy, maybe removable
- Jetpack, ECM launcher or 1/2 packs of what you want (ammo, armor layer)
* Others :
- Adding a heat generation to Miniguns, Arc guns, Plasmathrower and Lasers
- 2 new types of Powerplant, one with limited operation time like 3:25s but adds buff(s) or has a special attack or defence system, and one with limited actions
- Ennemies can destroy your powerplant, it activate your emergency batterie with very limited operation time and/or actions
- Adding Satellites doing Helldiver thing (Orbital Attacks or sending Turrets/Energy Shield/Heal/Ammo) and Air Support
Call Alduin and Cthulhu- IA or Human operated Landmates/Exo-armor Friendlies or Drones Station
- Area Objectives to destroy like Depot with some Turrets guarding
- Boss, Mini Boss, Invincible Boss mission to avoid
- Missions like Defend Bases/Beach/Underground/Mountain/Space Station, Landing Beach, Climb to the top, Defend VIP, Save Population, Gather Troops and Objects, go A to B, Capture A/B/C/D points, Rearm somethings, Find a place to sneak, Avoid Bombardement, Invade with teams, rescue/connect to an experimental weapon or mech, rerieve informations, rescue your mech that has depleted energy from your failed previous mission
- Campagne with limited number of mech but some can be rescue with a post mission of a failed mission. Maybe after some times
- A Big Ballistic Nuke Missile Launch Defend Mission like in this video
- More monsters like in Mech Engineer, insectoïds, worms, mutants...
- Purchasable visual systems with Tiers like lvl 1,2 Zoom, next is Lvl 1,2 Sonar, then is Lvl 1,2 Radar, finaly Lvl 1,2 Thermal. Maybe an Experimental Anti-Grav Dorsal Wing for your Mech
- Landing from Space as a minigame with enemies AA shooting, launching from a submarine at sea level or underwater, protecting boat landing you from other boats, helicopter torpidoes and missiles
- Multiple IA Mech invading
- New Mechs with or without wheels (Bipeds, Tripeds, Quadripeds, Hexapods, Octopods) ?
- New Tanks for Enemies and Friendlies ?
- Play as Tank/VBCI/AAA?
- New Class System with just a weight mechanic for weapons ? Like, beginning the story with a landmate with max weight can autorised a Light 90mm anti-material cannon but not a 30mm Minigun, finally ending with a Secret Class Octopod autorising heavy Primary and Secondary Weapons at the same time ?
- Campaign and Arcade Mode with a option to be a Freelancer and buy things
- PVE Coop and PVP Multiplayer ?
- B-Spec Mode (lol), be an Operator like in Battlefield 4 and command IA or help an other gamer pilot. Maybe taking temporarily command of one system or weapon
- Charismatic IA operator partner(s)
- Unlockable Characters or Cosmetics
- Some Easter Eggs from like Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed, Black Magic, Akira, Gunnm, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Gundam, Macross, Metal Skin Panic, Blue Gender, Garaki, Genocyber, Megazone 23, Metal Gear Solid, Brigador, Patlabor, Eighty 86, Metal Slug, Helldiver, Into the Breach, etc.
- AZERTY compatibility and controller Support
- Steam Workshop
Good luck implementing some of this ideas but i think going to steam is a must to obtain far more credits to developping this future hell of a game.
Thank you for all of these ideas! Some of them are quite interesting, I can't give my thoughts for every one of them, but here's a select few:
This would be cool and incentivize having a better powerplant, I'll experiment with this idea.
This I have actually almost implemented. I have a plasma slash that acts as a close range melee which cuts up enemies, but a "lance" which you could charge with would be a cool upgrade/alternative to it.
I'm thinking maybe AI controlled crab-bombs that find their way towards enemies might be fun. Perhaps they could be tossed like grenades.
ECM / APS systems are planned for acting as a shield, they'll intercept or redirect missiles away when they get close to the player. Tougher enemies will also have that capability.
There will be cruise missiles and artillery strikes by using grenades as the target designators.
This would be difficult to do at the small scale of the game, but maybe you'll see a few hardsuits show up in cutscenes. A subtle tribute to Masamune Shirow's Landmates would be nice.
Cool idea, I could see a big organic enemy being one to avoid.
Also planned for a long time. Definitely want big walker tanks.
I'll need help for this, but maybe. It would be tons of fun.
Thank you again for this big list! There's some cool things I hadn't thought of in there. I'll definitely save this and consider adding some of them.
I updated the list
Read. Thanks for even more ideas! Will keep them in mind. <3
whoa, mech games on the front page of itch? I gotta check it out.
Hope you like it!
Absolutely beautiful destruction! It's definitely the best game I came across on this site and I wish you luck in developing it further. I will definitely follow the project and can't wait to see how it turns out. It has a few areas worth improving in my opinion, but the foundation is extremely solid both in game juice and design.
The only suggestion I have right now is to consider adding a wave system to introduce brief pauses between shootouts, allowing for experimentation with game pacing. I understand if you want to keep the action nonstop, but I think it’s an idea worth exploring in the bugs level.
Thank you so much for playing and your kind words!
Noted, I'll see about adding a pause to waves. I modified their behavior recently so a break might be nice. Cheers!
I love this game a lot. A few things to think about though.
- the current AP specialty weapons are the Vulcan and the railgun (not considering the autocannon, minigun, or smartgun. I consider those more balanced for general purpose and not made to deal with heavy armor). Both are are not great at immediate reaction and damage control. Maybe add something like a tank cannon that uses HEAT shells. Fires immediately, Slightly faster fire rate than the railgun, lower damage, no target penetration, but can still travel really far and obliterate whatever it hits making it very punishing if you miss.
- So far it's smoke for everything but worms. Maybe separate the smoke into two options. Visual smoke to block sight of ground units, and deployable trophy systems to stop something like 5 rockets each. That way smoke isn't the 'go to' for anything smart enough to use mechs and rockets.
- Finally, as cool as the lock on rockets are, they are very destructive, struggle with armor, and still require you to aim at every target yourself anyways. Maybe having them launch over things to reduce destruction and/or lock on through obstructions for a more ambush style play would make them more forgiving and enticing to use. Currently, you still have to aim at each target within line of sight to lock. They feel less reliable, less powerful, and more time consuming. I used them a few times and just thought "If you have to aim the cursor on them in unobstructed line of sight anyways, why not just use unguided rockets."
-- extra lil "that be so cool" idea. That one iron man weapon where it's the lock on mini non-explosive rockets. The ones you see in the first movie during the first fight in the new armor where he saves the civilians. That as a rocket version of the smartgun would be cool.
Fire grenade (incendiary) is awesome for big slow-moving enemies (it tears those heavily armored tanks) or those who decided to hide and stationary behind covers.
I'm glad you like it!
A basic cannon/tank gun has been highly requested for awhile now, I agree it'd be a good weapon to have. I'll see if I can make it at least half as satisfying to use as the railgun.
I presume you're talking about the smoke grenades(?). I agree they can be a little bit overpowered with how they stop enemies right now. I might just cut down the amount the player can carry so they'll be a bit more careful with how they use them.
I agree these could really use a punch-up. Unless you're targeting lots of enemies like the second mission they're really not as fun or useful to use as the basic unguided rockets. Maybe I'll have them go through buildings unlike the unguided rockets, so if you blind-fire them without locking you still can hit an enemy on the other side of a house.
Noted! Would be useful for missions where you need to keep collateral damage down.
love this game soooooooo much!!Also,can you consider make more weapon like plasma gun ?I'm exciting to see any new contant that be add into this lovely game.
Glad you like it!
Something like a plasma cannon could be cool. I'll see what I can do.
Please consider increasing the amount of ammo you have on weapons and the amount of ammo you get to refill your ammo boxes. If there are more enemies, and players can keep firing for longer, it will greatly increase the gaming experience.
Noted. I might vary the amount of ammunition provided by crates depending on the difficulty/size of the level.
loved it sooooo much!! reminded me of mechwarrior. commander and the control, aesthetics and direction where its heading is so awesome. a story is needed!!!
Thank you for playing! I agree, a story is definitely needed.
Hi kolya :D
Shout out to games with this art style
gotta be my favorite gender
Great demo, completed all missions S rank. Can you add window size option? For example x2 from native window will be perfect.
Thanks for playing! I need to refactor some code, but I'll have more resolution options and the ability to set it to windowed mode soon.
i am from R K channel comebackk here, great job